„Skills needed in collaborative learning processes“

Together with „Common Austria“ we proudly present Charles „Charlie“ Guarino as a speaker in FLL Wien referring on „Social Skills“ and „Technical Skills“ in education.
He has been an Information Technology consultant for the vast majority of his career. He is also the founder and President of Central Park Data Systems, Inc., a Long Island and New York City area based IBM midrange consulting and corporate training company.
Charles is a member of COMMON’s Speaker Excellence Hall of Fame and The Long Island Software and Technology Network’s Twenty Top Techies. Recently Charles became the proud recipient of the Al Barsa Memorial Scholarship Award. 
Additionally, he currently serves as a board member of COMMON and also participates on COMMON’s Strategic Education Team (SET).

9:15 Come together im FLL und auf https://zoom.us/j/5332037442
9:30 Charlie Guarino – Social Skills
11:15 Charlie Guarino – Technical Skills
12:15 Der Kollaborative Klassenraum – Pädagogen berichten. Das Konzept des „Collaborative Classrooms“ hat sich bewährt, um die 21st Century Skills zu lehren. Wie lässt sich das umsetzen? Was gehört zum Standard? Welche Lehren ziehen wir aus 2020? Der Beitrag ist online verfügbar auf der Domäne: https://smarttech.zoom.us/j/92042733289.

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